The Victoria and Vancouver Island Division was established in 1937 with just 16 members. It has grown along with the communities on Vancouver Island providing a wide range of services to government, business and industry. In its 66th year, the Division currently maintains operations and administrative responsibility for security and related services in many communities on Vancouver Island, the Queen Charlotte and Gulf Islands. With the addition of the detachment in Whitehorse in 1999, the name was changed to Victoria, the Islands and Yukon Division to reflect our areas of business. Currently the Division has approximately 1000 employees making it one of the largest security enterprises in British Columbia.
In the early days of the organization, the primary role of a Commissionaire was security work. However, men and women leaving the Armed Forces and the RCMP now have a variety of technical and administrative skills which are useful in many ways to clients across Canada. The opportunity to broaden the employment prospects of these talented and experienced people is being actively pursued.
All 17 divisions of the Canadian Corps of Commissionaires are private, self-supporting, non-profit corporations. Each Division has a voluntary Board of Governors comprised of former senior members of the CF and RCMP along with local business executives. Their duty is to continue the vision of Captain Walters by providing employment for ex-service and RCMP personnel. In this they are supported by a full-time Chief Executive Officer/Commandant who is responsible for leading and managing the Division.
In June 1937, His Excellency the Governor General, Lord Tweedsmuir, became the first Patron-in-Chief of the Corps, and the Lieutenant-Governors were asked to become Patrons. These traditional appointments have continued and Her Excellency, The Governor General is the Patron-in-Chief. Her Honour, The Lieutenant Governor of British Columbia is the Patron of this Division.
Copies of the Corps History Book may be obtained through the Division's
Divisional Office in Victoria.